Un approfondimento a firma del nostro Massimiliano Pappalardo su una sentenza del TAR del Lazio che ha rigettato il ricorso presentato da Facebook contro una multa milionaria emessa dall’ Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato per sanzionare una pratica ingannevole ai sensi del Codice del Consumo. Per leggere l’approfondimento, clicca qui.
Autore: Massimiliano Pappalardo
L’articolo di Massimiliano Pappalardo. *** Starting from the early months of 2019, a number of large-scale Italian retailers submitted to the Italian Data Protection Authority, the Garante, very similar complaints concerning massive data subject requests received from Italian startup Weople, whereby such a company exercised, on behalf of the data subjects that subscribed to its services via a mobile app, the right to data portability in connection to the personal data collected by the retailers’ loyalty programs. The transfer of such data was to go directly to Weople. In a nutshell, in order to promote the services of the platform,…